I feel sorry for dial-uppers

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
At work we still have our old dial-up account and every once in a while I check e-mails. I hadn't done it for over a month.
'receiving 384 messages':eek:
90% of them - spam

It took FOREVER to DL.

Dail-up = BAD!:smash:


Staff member
*psssst* Fuser...don't say that right out loud in front of fury.:cry: :scared:


Staff member
See? whaddid I tell ya? :smash: *Fuser will now be banished to the corner for an undisclosed amount of time*


Staff member
Shhhh, you're just making it worse.we know dial up is baaad, we just don't say it out loud ....now git in that corner till I say you can come out!:smash:

*tries to distract fury with cheesy nachos*


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I'm back on dial up for a few days until they get my DSL back up. Went from wholesale to retail. They just closed it down today. Now I get to wait until my modem lights on my Fujitsu start lighten' up. Sorry fscks at Verizon....


New Member
Does anyone know of a university other than Fresno State that doesn't have anything better than dial-up in the dorms?

Didn't think so. :mad: